Technology Law

At Kesikli Law Firm, we understand the intersection of technology and law. Our team of experts stays at the forefront of legislative developments and technological advancements, ensuring that our clients receive proactive and informed legal advice tailored to the digital age. Whether you’re a startup or a multinational corporation, our strategic advice is designed to navigate the complexities of digital law while fostering innovation and securing your digital transactions.

In an era where technology reshapes every aspect of business and personal interaction, staying ahead of legal implications is crucial. At Kesikli Law Firm, our Technology Law practice area is dedicated to navigating the complex and dynamic realms of cryptocurrency, e-commerce, gaming, blockchain technology, and social media. We provide strategic legal solutions that protect interests, foster innovation, and ensure compliance in the digital landscape.

Our services include:

Cryptocurrency Regulation: Navigating the evolving regulatory frameworks affecting cryptocurrency transactions, ICOs, and exchanges.

E-Commerce Compliance: Advising on consumer protection, data privacy, electronic transactions, and cross-border commerce issues.

Gaming and eSports Law: Offering legal guidance on licensing, intellectual property rights, contract negotiations, and regulatory compliance for the gaming industry.

Blockchain Applications: Assisting with the legal aspects of implementing and developing blockchain technology, including smart contracts, NFTs, and decentralized applications.

Social Media Law: Providing insights and solutions on issues related to content management, copyright disputes, user privacy, and advertising regulations.


  • E-commerce Advisory: Structured the legal content of an e-commerce website that enables users to bid for tenders, ensuring compliance with all applicable laws and facilitating a secure and transparent bidding environment.
  • Social Media and Technology Law Advisory: Provided comprehensive legal advice to a technology company specializing in social media. Our guidance covered the regulatory framework of Turkish laws, specifically addressing issues such as defamation claims and potential administrative fines, ensuring the client's operations remain within legal bounds while fostering their growth.
  • Cryptocurrency Platform Compliance: Advised a company on the Turkish legal framework concerning crypto platforms.
  • Cyber Crime Defense: Offered expert legal representation in cyber crime cases, defending clients against allegations and mitigating potential legal consequences. Our proactive strategies are designed to protect client interests in an increasingly digitalized world.
  • Gaming and Gambling Regulations: Advised on the legal aspects of gambling and gaming regulations in Turkey, extending our expertise to include social media applications involved in gaming.
  • Marine Trade App Development: Advised an app developer on the legal aspects of creating and selling their application specifically designed for businesses in the marine trade area.

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